Ladies Golf Association
Ladies Play on Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays at 9:30am

Ladies Golf Association
Ladie’s Play: Tues/Thurs/Sat @ 9:30am
Growth of our membership is important to the future of The Ladies Golf Association of The Creek Golf Club. When you see other ladies here at the Club, please be an ambassador for our association and encourage the rewards of membership.
The Creek Golf Club is an interesting and challenging layout for beginners to the low handicappers. The course will test your skill and imagination as you take pleasure in the company of your playing partners.
If any of you have ideas for growing our membership, or other activities to add to our calendar that will promote fellowship, please feel free to speak to one of the officers or bring your ideas to one of our meetings.

General Rules
Betty Doyle:
Brenda Shirley:
Vice President
Barbara Rivers:
Brenda Adair:
Mary Ann Owen:
HDCP Chair
All women members of The Creek Golf Club, 16 or over, are eligible for membership.
Play begins the 1st Tuesday In March and ends the 3rd Tuesday in October. Pairings will be made by the Tuesday Events Chairperson. Play begins at 9:30am during warm months and 11:00am during the cool months. You should call the Pro Shop before Tuesday play to sign up.
Thursday and Saturday tee times for the ladies are reserved at 9:30am in the warm months and 11:00am in the cool months for those interested.
The dues of the association shall be $20 per year and are to be paid between the December meeting and the March meeting of the next year. These dues must be paid by the March meeting to retain membership in the Association and be eligible for tournament play prizes.
Monthly, the first Tuesday of March through December. Meeting will be held after play, unless otherwise notified. The December meeting will be the Annual Christmas Awards Luncheon.
$3 will be awarded to the winners of each flight. These awards will be given every quarter from the first of March to Awards Day in December. Ringer scores can be posted one (1) time per week for Tuesday or Saturday play only.
- Birdie – $3 (one award per year, awarded for Tuesday or Saturday play only).
- Eagle – $5 (one award per year, awarded for any day of the week, home course only. Nine (9) hole minimum play required).
- Hole-in-one – $25 (on any regulation course and witnessed by one or more persons; must complete a minimum of nine (9) holes).
- Most Improved Player — will be given based on the computed system handicap for the period of November through October.
- Tournaments are the 4th Tuesday of the month from March through October. Entry fee is $5 plus cart fee. The Championship will be played in October and you must have played in two (2) ICC events to be eligible for championship play. Entry fee is forfeited with cancellation. Cart fee is not assessed provided cancellation is before noon on the Friday prior to the Tuesday tournament. Any time after noon Friday, cart fee will be charged if extra carts were rented by dub.
- Tournament schedule for the year is posted in the ladies’ lounge.
- Entry sheets are posted monthly on the bulletin board.
- Brenda Shirley is our ICC representative. Contact Brenda with your questions about ICC play.
- Tournament schedule for the year is posted in the ladies’ lounge.
- Those interested must sign-up online. To do so, you must register a credit card number. There is a telephone number on the poster for this purpose.